Around the Web – Week 1, 2018

Welcome to the first Around The Web for 2018.

We let the page go a little quiet over the Christmas/New Year break after all our frenzied activity during Advent. We hope you had a blessed Christmas and feel ready to tackle whatever it is that 2018 throws at you!

As we are still within the Christmas Season we thought we would send some links your way regarding the Magi. The three wise men from the east whose names, according to tradition, were Melchior, Balthasar and Caspar (sometimes also known as Gasper)

This painting below is just a detail from a much lager and famous work depicting their visit by Gentile da Fabriano. This article looks more deeply into the image, giving context for the piece and points out its “liturgical grace”. Artwork is never done in isolation. There is so much rich imagery in our artistic tradition that we need to go beyond the cursory glance to find the clues pointing us to the greater glories and mystery of God and to our own salvation in Him.

There are many traditions from different cultures when it comes to the Epiphany.
This article simply breaks the Epiphany down into what it is and what are the important things to remember.

It is also traditional for the priest at Mass to bless chalk at the Mass of the day and to give it out to those who wish to bless their house for the coming year, also known as ‘chalking your door’. This post from a Carmelite Community in Chicago explains how you can do it in your home.

This link has all sorts of activities to do with children and some links to crown themed food ideas. This is an Australian recipe  for the french tradition of making a galette des rois. Finally this is what one family does to celebrate in their home.

With the New Year comes all the goal setting and plans and articles with “New Year New You” themes.

Fr Mike Schmitz has a video about how you might actually keep a new year’s resolution or two.

Jennifer Fulwiler has her “Patron Saint Generator” which you can use to get to know a new saint this year. She has also created a new random generator this year, a “Word of the Year” one, which is a bit of fun.

Finally, it is always good to try to read more and the new year is as good a starting point as any!  If you are looking for some kind of direction, here’s a link with suggestions of booklists for a Catholic. Or there is the Facebook group – A Catholic Women’s Bookshelf to join. It always throws up great suggestions and good general bookish discussion.

That will do on the links for this week!
May the rest of your Christmas Season be blessed.

~ The Anima Team