Happy Feast of St Joseph

St Joseph was chosen by God to look after his own Son on earth. Who could even contemplate being given such a task! St Joseph is one of our most powerful intercessors to Christ and there are so many accounts of prayers answered due to his patronage.

He is such an example of obedience, humility, parenthood, masculinity, fatherhood and love. Included in the Divine Office for his feast day is this homily by St Bernadine of Siena on his faithfulness as parent and guardian of the Son of God.

Stratford Caldecott writes here about St Joseph’s role as protector in the life of Mary and Jesus and his example of, what is seemingly the lost art of, chivalry. In the Gospels, St Joseph is a silent participant, and yet it is “his most profound witness” 

Have a wonderful feast day! We hope the short break during this Lenten time gives you enough strength to push through to Easter!