Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum – Lk 1:38
FIAT. Such a small word meaning ‘let it be done’. It almost sounds weak and submissive, where could it possible fit into our world of Power-House Women? Surely, this phrase of ‘let it be done’ is more of a last resort –
‘I give up. Whatever happens, happens’ kind of attitude?
‘Que sera’, right?
I confess. As a young girl, submission to anything or anyone was not part of my character nor desire. That all changed, as I grew and my relationship with Jesus deepened and I realised just who my strength was. It was always Him. I had to learn the harsh reality that my relationship with Jesus was never going to get any better or stronger, until I was ready to trust Him; trust the Will of God in my life.

A world of heartache meant trusting Him wasn’t easy. Men had let me down before. A lot of us women are used to disappointments and hurt. Trust wasn’t possible. Love, or more accurately affection, absolutely. Emotionally, I loved Jesus, but trust Him with my heart, and my life, no.
Through all the troubled times Mark 14:35-36 became my scripture mantra. The strength my dear, beautiful, friend Jesus, showed in the Garden of Gethsemane blew my mind open. How? How could a man, sure Son of God, but a man, my friend, endure such pain? Sweating tears of blood. The extreme stress His body was enduring, suffering for the world, finally pleading with Our Father in words like those I knew all too well –
‘I can’t, make
it stop, please Father make it stop!’.
Where I caved time and time again, Jesus went on ‘not my will, but yours’.
*Mind Blown* How can He do that? Then He whispered
‘You can do that. I share
your humanity. With me, you can do that’.
But what was that?
Surrender. This word so unfamiliar to my strong willed… stubborn attitude. Being a woman uncertain, and awkward in her femininity I turned to the only woman who I could possibly ask for help. In her I found a mirror image of that dark Garden moment.

In Our Lady at the Annunciation I found a woman, a relatable female, who shared a moment in which the future of humanity was at stake. In both, they knelt in prayer and they gave their FIAT, ‘Let it be done’.
With that began a movement by the name of ‘Yes Year’ to model that Very Fiat. To become more like this woman, and in turn her Son. Discerning every opportunity that came our way and taking it up faithfully. Then reaching out to our Yes Year Community, who would pray for us in that moment. Our Yes’ took on a variety of forms; social invitations, additional prayer time, new degrees, vocational callings and starting a new ministry. Our Yes’ also took on the form of saying no when it wasn’t His will, like impeding a previous yes. We could do this because God is not a manipulative monster that will turn life into hell when you surrender to Him. He is the most loving Father, and treasures his children, wanting only the best for us.
1 year rolled into 5 and ordered our relationships; to honour people and commitments. It allowed us to learn what we truly prioritise and what brings us joy, taking us closer to our personal Vocation. We grew in community, to journey with each other, and desire the best for each other. Above all, we learned to trust and courageously surrender to our Father who is Love, Himself. Trust. There it was.
Kneeling in prayer, words similar to that of
Jesus to Peter came to me –
‘Stina. Do you trust me?’
Responding with the haste of Peter before the passion, my ‘Absolutely Jesus!’ was
crushed time and time again, as He asked more specifically and the heavy truth
hit me square in the face,
I didn’t.

Many years of healing and modelling our lady, and of being on a growing in trust, a Luke 16:10 journey, in the eye of the storm with my life crumbling around me, He asked me again. Only this time, I was vulnerably and truthfully able to say –
‘Yes Jesus, I trust you.
I am afraid. If you ask this of me, I will probably be sick for a moment, and I will also cry.
But none of that matters, because despite all of that, I DO Trust you with my life and all that it entails. All that I am, is yours.
And there it finally was. Trust preceding a FIAT that led to FREEDOM.
As a woman who abhors drama, those most closest to me know the rollercoaster life I’ve lived thus far; from moving to the opposite side of the world to the rest of my family as an 18 year old, having to requalify and change professions from my passion, 10years on still having no security of residency, and waiting on a call that could ask me to leave behind my livelihood at any moment; to starting a new Christian Ministry, to being named a city Ambassador.

Iconographer: Diane Plaskon Koory
A rollercoaster.
FIAT became a meditative word that freed me. Being a Yes Woman, a FIAT child, doesn’t mean being flat out, busy, and rushing around doing everything. Our lady didn’t do that. She had time for people, with trust she relinquished control and allowed God to take care of her day to day, moment to moment. Modelling her, we no longer needed to lead a busy life. Lead a full life, striving to give our FIAT always, striving to do the will of God. As His Children, we are free to respond, Yes.
~ Stina Constantine
Stina has a bachelor in Psychology and a Masters in Social Work. By day she works with separated families and their children in one job, and supports families with children diagnosed with cancer and other life threatening illnesses in another. By night she’s a ballroom dance instructor. She is also the current Miss Wagga Wagga title holder.
Being passionate about human growth and goodness, she is also the founder and managing director of a Christian Ministry, Virtue Ministry, travelling to schools, retreats, and conferences speaking with young people and young adults about self-knowledge, human excellence, goodness, and healthy relationships to become all that we were made to be.
So glad to see Anims Women’s Network back
Just this ,orning I was wondering where it was