“A Craft Activity” sounds a little ominous in our advertisement for our online event on October 24th. But fear not, we wish to set you up for success! Below is ALL the information you need to tackle this part of the day. You may even wish to only participate in this section, and that is perfectly fine! You can adjust the event to what suits you and your day. More information will be coming out shortly as to the rest of the program.
All the information below will also be sent to your email when you book on our trybooking link for the event.
From 1:30 (TBC) our afternoon will be spent creating a Scandinavian Folded Star. Our wonderful teacher will be Chris Walker and she has provided the following list of materials you will need together with some handy hints:

What you need:
4 rectangles of cotton Christmas fabric: 8 x 32 cm (3 ¼ x 13 inches) – you can use four different contrasting fabrics, or two each of two fabrics.
26 cm (10 inches) of narrow ribbon or cord.
A needle and thread to match your ribbon colour.
8 small pegs or paperclips, to hold the points while you work on the star.
A pair of tweezers or a narrow flat poker to help thread the fabric loops (an icy pole stick or the handle of a teaspoon work well).
Have your iron and ironing board nearby.
Handy hints:
You do not need sewing experience to complete this project, nor do you need a sewing machine.
Some glitter fabrics can be difficult to iron and some leave glitter residue on other surfaces. Take care if you are choosing fabrics online and cannot actually handle them.
Fabrics printed with gold or silver are very effective.
A spotted or striped material adds interest to the look of your star.
If one of your fabrics seems softer than the others, you can spray it with some starch to help stiffen it.
Although it is ideal in Christmas prints, the star can be made in any combination of colours.
You can embellish your star with beads, sequins or glitter when it is complete, if you wish.
You can make the star using paper strips too. Paper is not as forgiving as fabric – it creases and tears easily. Try the method of construction in material before trying it using paper.