A HIVE of activity. 8am on 2nd September the Makers Table and Anima teams were BUSTLING like no mans business. Ironic given the theme of the day. We had one hour to set up everything we had planned for the previous 6 weeks, before the 55 women descended upon us. This was no mean feat, the details to us were so important, but details take time and planning. What resulted was above and beyond what we could have hoped for. At 9am everyone started rolling in and even we had to stop, be still, and start the day with Mass with Fr Paschal.
Anna Krohn gave us beautiful imagery to go with her poignant talk on what it really means to be still. There were tears and laughter. So much laughter. The joy was so beautiful to hear.
We had three Makers Tables set up, one group made kitchen rosaries, one made beeswax candles and the third group, in an explosion of colour, learned all about making their homes beautiful through floristry. Such a perfect start to spring.
Throughout the whole day we had adoration available, and three very generous priests came to hear confessions.
The Don Bosco Retreat Centre was at its best with such beautiful weather, women were able to grab a picnic rug and eat outside. There were a few who opted for a walk through the property and others just sat in the sunshine chatting with new friends and old.
The little gifts we had put together were gratefully received. Included in each bundle was a candle that Jane, from The Makers Table, had made from the spent prayer candles from churches around Melbourne so that those who lit their candle in prayer could join their prayers with those who had prayed before them. A little reminder of the communion of saints in which we live.
We thank everyone who was involved in helping us make this day so beautiful. We are greatful to all the women who gave us the opportunity to serve them. We hope God gave them many graces from the time they gave to Him. Both now, and into the future.