“As a body, we hope to go to heaven, which means spending eternity with the Blessed Trinity, and we expect the experience to be wholly blissfully; but in the prospect of spending one hour [learning about] the Blessed Trinity here below, there is no anticipation of bliss.”
F.J. Sheed Theology for Beginners (1957)

In June 2022 Anima Education will be running their latest in their “Introduction” series: An Introduction To Theology.
In treating the study of theology as an ‘optional extra’, or for the academies only, Catholics are missing out on some of the best and most profound elements of the Catholic Faith. If knowledge and love are proportionate – that you can love most what you know best – then a greater knowledge of God could lead to a greater love. In offering this Introduction to Catholic Theology we hope to re-kindle an interest, and even love, in the mysteries of the Catholic faith.
The course will be held on Mondays beginning the 20th June to the 18th July at 7:00pm-9:00 pm.
At this stage our classes will be run online via Zoom and all the links will be sent to you before the start.
The cost is $95 plus booking fees.
There will be a cap on the amount of students we can book so as to give our best to those who join us.
This course is also available for those teachers looking for MACS accreditation.
Below is the Course outline. If you have any questions regarding the course please contact Natasha Petrakos here.
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbour as yourself.”
Luke 10:27
“What is unknown cannot be loved”
St Thomas Aquinas, ‘De Trinitate’ 10.1:2
In this course, we will look at not only ‘what’ Catholics believe, but how it is that they got there. How did Catholics get from hints at the plurality of God in the Scriptures to the doctrine of the Trinity? How did the early Church first work out the knotty question of who Jesus Christ was? What about the idea of Seven Sacraments? Of purgatory? Or the Virgin Birth? And of countless other questions.
To answer this, we need to look at the study of theology. From the Greek theo-logos, meaning ‘Words about God’ or the ‘study of God’, theology is our human attempt to articulate the Divine. By taking the Nicene Creed as our framework, we will look at the role of theology in Catholic history and see how human beings – both inspired and not so inspired – have tried to articulate infinite realities into finite language.
Five 120 minute sessions over five weeks. For those doing the course for professional development with MACS, each session attended will be individually accredited.
Presenter: Natasha Marsh, MA Th, BLibA, AMusA Musicianship
Tutor: David Schütz, BTh, BA, GradDipMin, GradDipLIM, GradCertHE, MTh
Programme Topics
Week 1 – What is Theology?
Week 2 – I Believe In God The Father
Week 3 – I Believe In God The Son
Week 4 – I Believe In The Holy Spirit
Week 5 – Theology Continued and Continuing