In February 2022 Anima Education will be running their An Introduction to Church History – The Continuing Story.
This course was also available for those teachers looking for MACS accreditation.
Below is the Course outline. If you have any questions regarding the course or would like to be added to the mailing list please contact David Schütz here.
History is more or less bunk. It’s tradition. We don’t want tradition. We want to live
Henry Ford
in the present and the only history that is worth a tinker’s dam is the history we make
Until there shall be new heavens and a new earth in which justice dwells, the pilgrim Church has the appearance of this world which is passing…
Second Vatican Council, Lumen Gentium §48

This unit will continue the story of God’s “salvation history” begun in the Scriptures, going beyond Pentecost to see what God has continued to do through his Son in the Holy Spirit among his people in history.
Contrary to Henry Ford, ignorance of our past is ignorance of our identity and our destiny. To know who we are in the present and where we should be going in the future, we need to know our past. The history of the Church is the story of a pilgrimage with meaning, purpose, and direction.
“The Story Continues” will offer an overview of the whole history of the Church, in all its lights and shadows.
The unit aims to answer your questions about Church history. At the same time, yo will find a way to make sense of the whole history of the Church.
The unit will be offered on Zoom. The formal part of each session will include a 60 minute presentation, the second hour will consists of a tutorial in breakout rooms with the David and Natasha followed by a summary and opportunities for Q&A. Recommended reading will be assigned for preparation for each session.
Five 120 minute sessions over five weeks. For those doing the course for professional development with MACS, each session attended will be individually accredited.
Presenter: David Schütz, BTh, BA, GradDipMin, GradDipLIM, GradCertHE, MTh (to be conferred)
Tutor: Natasha Marsh, MA Th, BLibA, AMusA Musicianship
Programme Topics
Week 1 – What is Church History, and does it have “meaning”?
Week 2 – The Foundational History of the Church (30-650AD)
Week 3 – The Medieval Church (650-1450AD)
Week 4 – The Reformation (1450-1750AD)
Week 5 – A Secular Age (1750 to the Present)