Have you ever found yourself thinking: ‘Where has the common sense gone? Or had an intuition that something is not quite right with the world, but can’t put your finger on why? Or been challenged to explain your faith but are at a loss to explain what you think and why you think it? You … Continue reading To Think, Or Not To Think, That Is The Question.
The Quiet Strength of Kindness
…and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.Ephesians 4:32 It struck me recently that a little bit of kindness goes a long way.This was confirmed when I was watching the ever wonderful ‘Anne of Green Gables’ with our girls recently. It had been awhile since I last … Continue reading The Quiet Strength of Kindness
Baking with St Nicholas
We thought we would do something a little different today. The feast of St Nicholas is tomorrow and it is traditionally to bake some form of gingerbread for this great feast for children. Anne Maree Quinn in the video below tells us about St Nicholas as well as shows us how she is baking her … Continue reading Baking with St Nicholas
Advent in 2020
"Mother of Life" By Nellie Edwards In 2017 when we first started looking at what Anima was called to do we put together something of an "online retreat" for Advent especially for those who find getting to a physical place hard. It feels a little ironic in 2020 to say that! As I was going … Continue reading Advent in 2020
To Wander in Charity – Graveyards and the Holy Souls
When the Vatican recently declared changes to the plenary indulgences available during November I got quite excited. In light of the challenges the world is facing, Pope Francis has extended the timeframe for the indulgence associated with visiting a burial ground and offering prayers for the dead. This year you may now receive the indulgence … Continue reading To Wander in Charity – Graveyards and the Holy Souls
You belong to God – The Presentation of Mary.
The presentation; a child is dedicated to God. In our modern times, we may be quick to consider this in opposition to the freedom of a child, a taking away of their choice of faith as they grow. That a dedication of a child strips a child of the free will they have to choose … Continue reading You belong to God – The Presentation of Mary.
Go forth and serve! – The Feast of St Elizabeth of Hungry
Saint Elizabeth is often depicted holding a basket of bread, or some other sort of food or beverage, characteristic of her devotion to the poor and hungry. Today’s feast celebrates the life of St Elizabeth of Hungry. Born as the daughter of the Hungarian King in the early 13th century, she married into German Royalty … Continue reading Go forth and serve! – The Feast of St Elizabeth of Hungry
Why the obsession with bones? – All Hallows Eve
One of the many Churches I visited during my time living in Europe was the Capuchin Church of Santa Maria della Concezione dei Cappuccin in Rome. What is remarkable about this Church is that the crypt contains the skeletal remains of 3,700 bodies of Capuchin Friars. When I brought my parents on a visit there, my enthusiasm … Continue reading Why the obsession with bones? – All Hallows Eve
What is more important to you than fear?
Mary Salome in "The descent from the cross" by Rogier van der Weyden Did you ever see the Princess Diaries? After watching the movie, I remember as an inspired younger version of myself, attentively writing on a pretty memory card and placing it in clear view on my notice board: “Courage is not the absence of … Continue reading What is more important to you than fear?
To Persevere Like Christ. – The First Sorrowful Mystery
He took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and began to be grieved and agitated.Then he said to them, “I am deeply grieved, even to death; remain here, and stay awake with me.” And going a little farther, he threw himself on the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, let … Continue reading To Persevere Like Christ. – The First Sorrowful Mystery