Recently I was asked if I had a devotion to Our Lady under a particular title and if I'd be willing to write a short piece about it. I was honoured by the request, but as I haven't written much beyond cover letters for my childrens' job applications in the last 20 years, I knew … Continue reading Being hers is glorious
Category: Mary
The call to Magnify. – The Second Joyful Mystery.
In those days Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country, to a city of Judah, and she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. Luke 1:39-40 Newly pregnant herself with God Incarnate, Mary makes the long journey to be by her elderly cousin Elizabeth’s side as Elizabeth prepares to give birth to John … Continue reading The call to Magnify. – The Second Joyful Mystery.
A letter for you – Sorrowing With Our Mother
Dear Anima Sisters and Friends, Welcome to Spring 2019. We hope our newest blog reflections will, like Spring, bring you some green shoots of faith and hope! Our Anima contributions are aimed at nurturing the soul - despite hearing from each other how dispiriting the year has been. There is serious drought in some parts … Continue reading A letter for you – Sorrowing With Our Mother
The Freedom of a Fiat
Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum - Lk 1:38 FIAT. Such a small word meaning ‘let it be done’. It almost sounds weak and submissive, where could it possible fit into our world of Power-House Women? Surely, this phrase of ‘let it be done’ is more of a last resort - ‘I give up. Whatever happens, … Continue reading The Freedom of a Fiat
Churlishness, Sleep and the Rosary
Sleep has been a capricious friend to me. There are nights when we are thick as thieves, and others where sleep deserts me and I lie awake for hours. Over the years I have tried different tactics; including praying the Rosary. Many people say that the Rosary is a sure fire sedative... not for me! … Continue reading Churlishness, Sleep and the Rosary
The Amazing Grace of the Rosary
Have you ever found yourself in the same room as a large number of “Marian Catholics”? Did you find them simply talking about the traffic, the weather, or their pet cat, out of fear that their confreres might be ‘yes’ voters, climate change fanatics, pro-choice flag carriers or gender fluid enthusiasts? Not a chance. They … Continue reading The Amazing Grace of the Rosary
Mary’s Example of Femininity
Today’s modern woman is a victim of what we might call the superwomen syndrome. The feminist mantra of gender equality and freedom from patriarchal oppression has failed to secure her happiness. Rather, many women face the daily grind of pushing themselves to excel at juggling a professional career, family life as well as the societal … Continue reading Mary’s Example of Femininity