The Magi lead us into our ‘Ordinary days’

Every year the sight of footpaths lined with shrivelling Christmas trees, lying strippedof the last remnants of the season, gives me a tinge of sadness at the realisation thatthe Church enters once again ‘ordinary time.’ In reality, ‘Ordinary Time’ is far from aliteral description, but a new season and opportunity to more deeply contemplate themystery … Continue reading The Magi lead us into our ‘Ordinary days’

Sorrowing with Our Mother: The First Sorrow – The Prophesy of the Sword.

Andrey ShishkinSimeon and Jesus The setting of this the Virgin Mary’s first Sorrow- is probably familiar to us as the fourth Joyful mystery of the Rosary the “Presentation of Jesus in the Temple,” In the calendar of the Church it is celebrated as part of “The Feast of Candlemas” when candles are blessed in the … Continue reading Sorrowing with Our Mother: The First Sorrow – The Prophesy of the Sword.